My first novel is available online! (French only) English version available soon...
Presentation :
"The Sorcerer's Cave"
"The Sorcere's Cave" is a novel that guides the reader through Sandra's inner journey. Sandra is an anxious and insecure young woman of the 21st century . As her life leads her to the darkest abysses of her existence, she is guided to a labyrinthine cave which will take her back to past memories - all the way to the supreme Knowledge...
I'm an intuitive therapist, artist and author. I write stories since the age of 6. 10 years ago I began a spiritual journey which lead me to explore the facets of light and dark inherent in my human condition, till healing was found. This is what I wish to transmit through this novel which is an initiatory journey. It is nevertheless a pure fiction.
I am currently looking for a translator (French to English) and a publisher, you can contact me here.