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Gabrielle Isis
Oct 5, 20233 min read
The silencing of the Feminine Power
We closed our retreat season in style with " Alchemy of the Soul ". It was a wonderful and powerful group experience where we delved into...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 8, 20223 min read
8-8 The Lion's Gate and August energies.
The Lion's Gate of 8/8/2022 and the Energy of August. As every year during this Portal, we receive an influx of Light that the Universe...

Gabrielle Isis
Nov 2, 20214 min read
Reclaiming esoteric symbols: The Eye of Horus.
I recently posted a photo of myself with this symbol on my dress on social media that raised questions in some people. I was talking...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 23, 20214 min read
Convergence of the timelines: Knights Templar and the Cathar Prophecy.
On the morning of Friday, August 13th, as we were beginning our last day of our retreat, we were surprised to wake up to a fresh and...

Gabrielle Isis
Jun 10, 20204 min read
A message from the Druids: "Unite and use your magic!"- Summer Solstice 21st of June 2020.
A week ago I went for a walk in my favorite forest with a friend and we stopped at the foot of an old oak tree, one of the forest’s...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 2, 20206 min read
Meet your spirit guides. Who are they and how to communicate with them?
An impressive amount of people in the spiritual community are interested in spirit guides, we just need to look at the number of articles...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 12, 20206 min read
Energy forecast for 2020: no evolution without a revolution (reloveution).
First of all I wish you all a very happy New Year 2020, filled with joy and light! And I'm happy to be back for this new fresh start. We...

Gabrielle Isis
Nov 6, 20193 min read
The Fear of the Unknown.
These past months have been favorable for a profound transformation. During this period of great change we are experiencing a...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 9, 201910 min read
Duality, Initiation (personal experience) and a dialogue with Isis.
We are often told that there is currently a war between Light and Darkness. Others say that we must step out of duality and that duality...

Gabrielle Isis
May 16, 20193 min read
A message for the Full Moon in Scorpio / Wezak on May 18th 2019.
The full moon in Scorpio has the reputation of being one of the most powerful full moons of the year. The full moon energy usually...

Gabrielle Isis
May 12, 20193 min read
The Kundalini Shakti awakening. What are the signs and how to go through this process?
The planet’s vibration, which has increased dramatically in recent months, make us dive deep into the layers of our being. Some of us...

Gabrielle Isis
Apr 9, 20197 min read
Inner child healing – a path to self-love (trauma, dissociation, wounds)
It has been about 3 years since I started this blog and I have not yet had the opportunity to truly address the topic of inner child...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 3, 20192 min read
March 2019 energy, 3/3/3 portal, gratitude prayer
This month of March is a transition month, we’re starting to get out of the energy of winter. It has been a rather heavy and dense energy...

Gabrielle Isis
Feb 19, 20197 min read
How to ground yourself and why it’s so important for your spiritual practice. - 6 effective ways to
In our spiritual journey we all aspire to ascend, to ascend spiritually, to rise above the material density that often seems heavy and...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 15, 20196 min read
Energy forecast for 2019: what can we expect this year?
First of all, best wishes to all of you for 2019! ✨🌟 We have now closed the door on the year 2018, which for many of us has been an...

Gabrielle Isis
Nov 9, 20187 min read
How to deal with grief and loss?
A few things before we start: I’m starting to get some requests from people around the world to participate in our workshops "Journey...

Gabrielle Isis
Jul 24, 20187 min read
The New Spiritual Paradigm - towards Heart-centered Consciousness
In my last article I spoke about the dark side of New Age and spirituality, all these out-dated spiritual beliefs that no longer serve...

Gabrielle Isis
Jun 3, 201811 min read
The dark side of spirituality and the New Age (false light, 2.0 gurus)
We have reached a turning point in the history of humanity; we are witnessing an unprecedented change in all spheres of society. The old...
1 comment

Gabrielle Isis
May 16, 20186 min read
How to stop procrastinating and get into the flow?
Procrastination comes from the Latin pro , which means "forward" and crastinus meaning "till the next day". It is a pathological...

Gabrielle Isis
May 8, 20182 min read
The healing of the Masculine
Since the beginning of this year, the Masculine has been experiencing a great recalibration and a deep healing. At the moment, we are...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 21, 20188 min read
What food/diet for what vibration? Omnivorism, vegetarianism, veganism, breatharianism.
In this article I will talk about diet, the different kinds of diets and foods that exist and the link with food and the vibration...

Gabrielle Isis
Feb 23, 20187 min read
The Divine Masculine: from Shadow to Light.
Last October, I wrote an article entitled "The Witch Karma" to talk about one of the aspects of the oppressed Feminine. I will also write...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 24, 20187 min read
Energy forecast for 2018 : times of transition.
2017 has been an intense year for many people, many challenges and radical changes .... This year, the intensity will not weaken. Indeed...

Gabrielle Isis
Nov 27, 201710 min read
Love relationships: why are they so complicated? - Twin flames, soulmates and twin souls.
There is so much to say on this subject ! I will try to mention here only some aspects of what a love relationship is. To define what...

Gabrielle Isis
Oct 12, 20175 min read
The Witch Karma
For millennial, the power of the feminine has been wiped out, crushed and sacrificed by a dominating masculine terrorized by the...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 16, 20175 min read
Activation of Christ Consciousness - Yeshua is back.
Painting: Akiane Kramarik. If you are unfamiliar with what Christ Consciousness is, first get rid of any preconceived ideas transmitted...

Gabrielle Isis
Jul 13, 20177 min read
How to connect to nature spirits (Elementals)?
Following the video and the article I did about Elementals, I had a lot of questions and requests on how to get in touch with these...

Gabrielle Isis
May 27, 20175 min read
Being in alignment and adjusting our perception of reality.
Our role as lightworkers is to anchor the Light on this planet, but it is not always easy to stay in alignment and be of service when...

Gabrielle Isis
Apr 10, 201712 min read
Spirituality and politics: From Shadow to Light - The end of the E.U, Frexit (Asselineau), journalis
I usually write about spirituality or self-help techniques but I've been guided to talk about politics and what's going on right now. I’m...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 4, 20177 min read
Reconnecting with our ancestors to heal the family lineage and karma.
We are living a time of big shift in the history of the planet, a paradigm shift. This means all family patterns are being challenged in...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 10, 20177 min read
An insight into the energies of 2017 (energetic forecast).
Pictures © Gabrielle Blocker During the year of 2016, the last of a nine year cycle, we were invited to cleanse, purge and get rid of...

Gabrielle Isis
Dec 3, 20168 min read
A proof of the existence of past lives? - My personal story.
We hear a lot about past lives, but do they really exist? The concept of reincarnation has been present in various civilizations for...

Gabrielle Isis
Oct 27, 20169 min read
Is money compatible with spirituality? Negative beliefs about money.
We often hear the saying that spirituality and money do not mix well together. That money has nothing to do with spirituality because...

Gabrielle Isis
Sep 23, 20168 min read
Ascension and the nature of reality. Which side of the scale are you on?
This is kind of a follow-up to the previous article entitled “One of the biggest lie ever told” . If you haven't had a chance yet to read...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 30, 20166 min read
One of the biggest lie ever told (and taking our power back).
Saint Thomas was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Saint Thomas is mentioned as the “doubting Thomas” or the...

Gabrielle Isis
Jul 29, 20167 min read
Integrating the ego (a key to self-love).
The word ego comes from latin and means I, me . What we call ego is our temporary identity, our avatar in a sense. Our soul is a wave...

Gabrielle Isis
Jun 15, 20166 min read
Nature spirits (elementals): fairies, elves, gnomes, unicorns...
We all know of nature spirits mainly through legends and fairy tales that have been passed on for centuries and that we loved to listen...

Gabrielle Isis
May 14, 20166 min read
How to meditate easily and efficiently? The basics, a few tips, different altered states of consciou
Meditation is a spiritual technique as old as the world itself, it is present in different forms across all religions and spiritual...

Gabrielle Isis
Apr 17, 20167 min read
The experience of Unity (a personal experience).
Image: Joseph Eagle I’d like to talk about a realization and experience I had a couple of months ago. Our spiritual path is an...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 30, 20168 min read
How to change the world? - 10 steps to live differently.
If we want to make a difference in this world and see the world change it starts by changing ourselves first and some of our habits. I’ve...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 19, 20168 min read
The importance of reconnecting with our emotions (and how to embrace them).
The word emotion comes from the latin motio which means movement. The e could be the e of energy, so we could say it is energy in...

Gabrielle Isis
Dec 20, 20156 min read
Violence as a catalyst for Awakening
I was often asked in the past to start making videos on the net, but I didn’t feel like doing it at the time. To say the least I had...
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