This month of March is a transition month, we’re starting to get out of the energy of winter. It has been a rather heavy and dense energy which has made us dive deep into our being. This passage was necessary to prepare us for the new energies of 2019 and to be fully ready and operational for what awaits us (see my « Energy Forecast for 2019 » video).
On this 3/3/3 portal, here is a prayer of gratitude which came to me while meditating in nature, it can be practiced every day during this month of March to help us create a positive momentum and assist this transformation. This can be done in silence or out loud:
Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with Mother Earth, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the water, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the air, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the earth, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred with fire, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the song of the birds, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with nature spirits, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with animals and my pets,
Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with myself, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my heart, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my body, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with each of my cells, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with self-love, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with healing, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my emotions, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my thoughts, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my Highest Joy, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with my purpose, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with Service,
Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the sun and the moon, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the stars and the planets, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the light beings, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the beings from the stars, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with the Universe,
Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with this moment, I am this moment and this moment is Me, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with Unconditional Love, I am this Unconditional Love and this Unconditional Love is me, Thank you for this Divine and Sacred connection with All That Is, I Am All That Is and All That Is What I Am.
Sat Nam
Gabrielle Isis.