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Gabrielle Isis
Aug 9, 201910 min read
Duality, Initiation (personal experience) and a dialogue with Isis.
We are often told that there is currently a war between Light and Darkness. Others say that we must step out of duality and that duality...

Gabrielle Isis
Jan 15, 20196 min read
Energy forecast for 2019: what can we expect this year?
First of all, best wishes to all of you for 2019! ✨🌟 We have now closed the door on the year 2018, which for many of us has been an...

Gabrielle Isis
Mar 21, 20188 min read
What food/diet for what vibration? Omnivorism, vegetarianism, veganism, breatharianism.
In this article I will talk about diet, the different kinds of diets and foods that exist and the link with food and the vibration...

Gabrielle Isis
Feb 23, 20187 min read
The Divine Masculine: from Shadow to Light.
Last October, I wrote an article entitled "The Witch Karma" to talk about one of the aspects of the oppressed Feminine. I will also write...

Gabrielle Isis
Nov 27, 201710 min read
Love relationships: why are they so complicated? - Twin flames, soulmates and twin souls.
There is so much to say on this subject ! I will try to mention here only some aspects of what a love relationship is. To define what...

Gabrielle Isis
Oct 12, 20175 min read
The Witch Karma
For millennial, the power of the feminine has been wiped out, crushed and sacrificed by a dominating masculine terrorized by the...

Gabrielle Isis
Jul 13, 20177 min read
How to connect to nature spirits (Elementals)?
Following the video and the article I did about Elementals, I had a lot of questions and requests on how to get in touch with these...

Gabrielle Isis
Aug 30, 20166 min read
One of the biggest lie ever told (and taking our power back).
Saint Thomas was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Saint Thomas is mentioned as the “doubting Thomas” or the...

Gabrielle Isis
May 14, 20166 min read
How to meditate easily and efficiently? The basics, a few tips, different altered states of consciou
Meditation is a spiritual technique as old as the world itself, it is present in different forms across all religions and spiritual...
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